I’m an Outdoor Backpacking Educator & Empowerment Coach.
I teach women how to become truly confident, safe, & self-sufficient in the outdoors (specifically through the skill of BACKPACKING) so that they can finally start taking real ownership of their safety on the trail and start making some real momentum on their big adventurous dreams – no matter what level of experience or time in their life they’re starting from.
Through outdoor backpacking and our signature coaching program, Become an Outdoor Backpacking Badass®, we teach women how to be self-made, self-sufficient, and the creators of their dreams—and to stop living on the sidelines of their dreams due to fear. We believe backpacking is a powerful catalyst for self-empowerment and is a radical form of self-care that every woman who is drawn to the outdoors can benefit immensely from.
Safe, confident, self-sufficient, resilient, empowered, free >> That is a Backpacking Badass™ Will you join us?