20 Best Outdoor Adventure Books + My Favorite Resources to Get Started Hiking and Climbing
There’s a good chance you landed here because you grabbed my free Outdoor Badass Starter Kit. On page 9 of that guide I talk about 20 of my favorite outdoor adventure books and my favorite resources to get started hiking and climbing.
Here is the list for now. I’ll be adding some descriptions soon on why these books are in my top picks, but I wanted to get things up and running for your reference.
Please Note: The below links are affiliate links.
my favorite outdoor adventure stories
01) The Last Season
02) Wild
03) Into The Wild
04) Dead Mountain
05) Women Who Dare
06) Tracks
07) Into Thin Air
Best Hiking Books for Training and Skills Development
08) Training for the New Alpinism
09) Mountaineering: Freedom of the Hills
10) Lighten Up!
Best Rock Climbing Books for Training and Skills Development
12) The Rock Climber Training Manual
13) Falcon Guide Climbing Anchors
14) 9 out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakes
Best Rock Climbing Mental Training Books
17) Vertical Mind
18) Espresso Lessons
Best Nutrition Books
20) Skratch Labs Feed Zone Portables Cookbook
Allison - She Dreams of Alpine
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